viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Putin: Kerry es un mentiroso

El presidente de Rusia, Putin, llama MENTIROSO al secretario de estado de EEUU Jhon Kerry cuando niega que Alqaeda esté luchando con la oposición siria. Veamos:

President Vladimir Putin said Russia may approve a military operation in Syria if evidence shows that Damascus used chemical weapons, but only if the operation secures United Nations approval.

Speaking to his human rights council, Mr Putin recalled watching a congressional debate where Mr Kerry was asked about al-Qaeda. Mr Putin said he had denied that it was operating in Syria, even though he was aware of the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra group. 
Mr Putin said: "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad." 
It was unclear exactly what Mr Putin was referencing, but Mr Kerry was asked on Tuesday while testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee if the Syrian opposition had become more infiltrated by al-Qaeda. 
Mr Kerry responded that that was "basically incorrect" and that the opposition has "increasingly become more defined by its moderation." 
When asked if a strike would make al-Nusra and other extremist forces stronger, Mr Kerry responded, "No, I don't believe you do (make them stronger). As a matter of fact, I think you actually make the opposition stronger. And the opposition is getting stronger by the day now." 


1 comentario:

  1. Putin tiene razón, el payaso John Kerry puede convertirse en un asesino en serie si convierte en Presidente de Estados Unidos por la hostilizada festividad de Dar Gracias desde que Bush padre estableció el falso perdón anual. Es por la que National Turkey Federation merece ser disuelta y sus funcionarios merecen ser ahorcados y sin derecho al verdadero perdón, especialmente por respeto a los derechos de los animales, logrando fortalecer la democracia. En la actualidad Estados Unidos, lo único demócratico que mantiene Estados Unidos son sólo sus elecciones libres.
